Tuesday, September 23, 2008

What's Your Color...

I am obsessed with burnt orange. I love anything that I see in that color and want it immediately. If only my bank account would agree with me as well.

I found this fun site that tells you what your perfect color is. It's complete fate, my perfect color is BURNT ORANGE! As my high school English Teacher would say,"It's a sign and a symbol!"

Click here and find out yours!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

It's been awhile...

Earlier this week, I walked into a craft store and got the crafting fever! There was some cute ribbon in the dollar bin and I immediately decided that my picture board could use a makeover! I love fall colors and now the picture board is my new favorite decoration!

On Sunday, my primary class (Valiant 9's!) were suppose to be in charge of Sharing Time. However, there was a mix-up in the schedule and we got booted off! Unfortunately, I was trying to prepare ahead of time and sI already had most of my lesson planned. The theme was going to be with fortune cookies and how they contain words of wisdom like unto the scriptures which also contain words of wisdom on how we should live our lives. I found a cute fortune cookie pattern online and spent the night in front of the T.V. making cookies. The good thing is that they are fat free and calorie free! (Perfect with a cold Diet Coke!) Well, they won't be used for Sharing Time, which is probably a good thing because I was rather fond of them and I didn't want to see them ruined in the sweaty palms of a preteens hands. Now they get center spot on my green coffee table! (By the way, Chris finally admitted that he like the table! It's been a two year battle!)

Sorry for the delay in posts, August flew by, much like September is. Chris said he is going to post about a camping trip we took recently, so stay tuned!