Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Photo via flickr
I love lightning! I love it even more when it's a far distance away. Last night there was a huge lightning storm in the mountains around St. George. As soon as Chris came home, we jumped in the car and headed up to the airport and watched it from on top of the bluff. We weren't the only ones with the idea, many more cars came up quickly after us. There were some awesome blots that lit up the sky for several seconds at a time. My favorite are the lightning blots that stretched across the sky like fingers. It was just like watching the fireworks, after each strike, Chris and I starting shouting, "Oh wow! Look at that one!"

Monday, July 13, 2009

What's Up...

Very sorry for the lack of posting. I do have several good excuses if you care to hear. First, our computer has been broken for over a month. Reasons for taking so long to get it fixed include being out of town, working, and simply I don't understand what the repair guy says when he explains what's wrong. Well, that's not true. I do understand computers, I just don't understand what they mean when they tell me how to fix it. (You know what I mean?)

Well some highlights of June include the following:

      • Our 2nd anniversary! Played in Park City for a weekend. Our adventure included going to the Olympic Park, bobsledding, zip lines, and eating at the most amazing Asian restaurant called WAHSO. I love Park City!

      • I started my first class for my masters. It was a week long course, kind of an easy credit but juggling it with work was difficult and required saying goodbye to my comfy bed for a week.

      • Chris had High Adventure Camp with his Young Men. From what I have heard, it was a fun trip in a super awesome cabin.

      • Girls Camp. Loved it! Our ward's theme was "Ladies of the Round Table". The ward camp director goes all out. Camp included a spa day, marshmallow gun war, and a huge round table (seriously, nobody could reach the center of the table). Of course, it was a great time for me to get to know the girls a little bit better and just have fun being silly like a teenager! By the way, one night our dinner was brought in by helicopter! Crazy! The other ward's were sooo jealous!

So far July has been pretty exciting as well! On July 4th, we played with family and went swimming with our awesome nephew, Gray. Last week was Youth Conference. I would go into detail about that trip but I'll save it for another post after we get our pictures loaded. Let's just say, WOW!! Our ward sure knows how to party! We went to SLC for three days with our youth and had an awesome time! We both love working with the youth so much! I just wanted to hug each teenager all the time and tell them how great they are! All I can say is that we have the BEST youth in our ward!

Well since we now have a computer again, I will be more diligent in posting. Or at least I will give more thought about posting.