I Heart National Ability Center
This weekend, Chris' class took a field trip to the NATIONAL ABILITY CENTER in Park City! I was lucky enough to tag along and see the cool programs the center offered. Basically, the motto of the center is, "If you want it, you got it. All you need is a bit of padding and some duct tape."
On the Rock Wall, they had each person pick a disability and climb. Adam and Chris both picked the most difficult route and climbed as someone who is blind. It was fun to watch them try to guide each other up the wall by calling out directions. They both made it to the top and got to ring the bell! (Above is Chris climbing the wall! What a hottie!)
Overall the National Ability Center was awesome! I loved how everybody who worked at the center used person first language. One of my major pet peeves is when people say "handicapped person" or "autistic child". Chris is good to listen to my rant each time that they are people with a disability not just a disability. (Thanks Love!) By the way, the center even has a competing bobsled team! How cool is that!
After the National Ability Center tour, we played around on Main Street in Park City! I love Park City! It's such a great place to people watch, window shop, buy some books at an independent book store, and drink warm steamers!
Chris didn't get the memo that this would be a "hands on" type of field trip but then again, he didn't get the "Bring your own lunch" memo either! However, adapting and improvising is what the National Ability Center is all about. The people were kind enough to help us find gloves so we could participate too! First we got to try our hand at sled ice skating. It was fun but I think I did more falling over than actually skating! Once I was trying to hit the puck but got plowed over by someone! (Above is my brother Adam in his ice hockey gear!)